For Patients - Precautions for Acupuncture Treatment:

Acupuncture is a safe therapy. You can take a bath, shower, work, and exercise as usual after the treatment. In addition to its pain-relieving effects, acupuncture can also treat a variety of conditions. Although acupuncture is a very safe treatment method, you should communicate your questions or concerns with the doctor before treatment and pay attention to the preparation for acupuncture. As a result, the safety of acupuncture can be improved, and unnecessary troubles can be reduced.

Before Treatment:

  • In order to facilitate the process and not affect the curative effect, please wear loose and comfortable clothing when visiting the doctor. It is not suitable to wear jeans, tights, silky or light clothing, and pantyhose. It is best to wear two pieces of clothing, such as a loose shirt or sweater and pants.
  • Acupuncture should not be used when you are hungry or too full, thirsty, anxious, angry, have excessive mental tension, internal urgency, and after intense exercise to avoid fainting.
  • Stroke patients with limited mobility, the elderly, the disabled, or the seriously ill should be accompanied by relatives and friends at any time for their safety.
  • The time required for each acupuncture treatment is about 20 to 30 minutes. For young and strong patients who have acute injuries, the curative effect should progress rapidly. Elderly patients with frailty and chronic diseases usually require long-term treatment and seeing us at least 2-3 times a week might be more appropriate. Please work with us during the consultation so we can help you.

During Treatment:

  • During acupuncture, you should keep a comfortable pose regardless of whether you are in a sitting position, lying on your back (supine), or lying on your stomach (prone). Keep your mind and body relaxed, and at peace.
  • During the treatment, avoid moving your body or changing your posture casually to avoid pain. Please refrain from using your phone.
  • If you feel uncomfortable during the treatment and experience dizziness, nausea, cold sweats, palpitations, dry mouth, tingling in front of your eyes, shortness of breath, etc., which are signs of fainting, please inform the medical staff immediately.
  • During acupuncture, you may experience soreness, numbness, tingling, heaviness, electricity, ants walking on your skin, and other sensations, which is called "needle sensation." This is a normal phenomenon. If you feel uncomfortable, or if your body moves, resulting in tight muscle fibers, pain, etc., please inform the medical staff for treatment.

After Treatment:

  • After the needle is removed, do not rub the needle hole to avoid bruising, bleeding, or infection.
  • After acupuncture, if there is subcutaneous hemorrhage or bruising and blood stasis, it will absorb or disappear on its own. In addition, there may be a feeling of soreness and numbness on the needled area. Sometimes it will remain for a few hours, or even one to two days. This is a normal phenomenon. If you have any questions, please let us know. We are here to help you!